Policies and Cancelations

Cancellation Policy
All monthly memberships require a minimum of 30 days written notice prior to next billing date to assure cancellation of automatic payments. No partial refunds.
*Ex. If written notice is sent on the 10th and the billing cycle is on the 20th you will be charged and your membership will end on the 20th of the following month.

Declined checks/insufficient funds: $25 charge

Freeze Policy

For one month to a maximum of two months any member may put their membership on freeze with a written notice 15 days prior to the next billing date. There will be a $25 freeze fee each month. After the freeze period there will be a one month charge of the normal membership price.

Suspension/Termination of Membership

The Brickyard DTSP has the right to suspend and/or terminate any membership for any nonpayment of membership fees or if there is any inappropriate behavior/use including but not limited to stealing and causing damage to the facility.
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